Ethnicity and Sex Differentials in Infant and Child Mortality in Ghana
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Antobam, Samuel Kojo
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Sex differentials in infant and child mortality have been reported in many studies. These
studies posit that generally the male child has better survival advantage over than the
female child. However, none of these studies have examined the role of ethnicity in
understanding these differentials. The question then is, to which extent does sex
differences in child mortality exist in a society with patrilineal and matrilineal structures.
Using Ghana Demographic and Health Survey of 2003 (GDHS, 2003), the study
examines the intensity of these differentials by employing indirect method of estimation,
and bivariate and multiple regression models, while giving detailed consideration to the
differences in biological and behavioural/environmental perspectives as regards child
health and nutritional care. It is found that among all the four major ethnic groups in the
country, including the matrilineal societies, the male child has higher survival advantage
than the female counterpart. The study therefore concludes that ethnicity, be it
matrilineal or patrilineal, does not make any difference in sex differentials in child
Student Number : 0407524W -
MA research report -
School of Social Sciences -
Faculty of Humanities
infant, child, mortality, sex, ethnicity, patrilineal, matrilineal, differentials