Silent exclusion (of learners) and democratic classrooms in post-apartheid South Africa: a critical analysis of inclusive education policy
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Seeko, Limakatso
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The post-apartheid South Africa has led to an introduction of inclusive education policy, thus arguing for inclusion of all learners in inclusive education. Nevertheless, silent exclusion of learners remains a challenge and a social problem to learners who are not participating, not deliberating including learners who are not represented in democratic classrooms in postapartheid South Africa. As a consequence, showing that there is a disjuncture between theory (inclusive education in post-apartheid South Africa) and practice (implementation of inclusive education in post-apartheid South African classrooms. Therefore, this mini-dissertation provides a critical analysis of inclusive education policy in post-apartheid South Africa. In specific terms, this mini-dissertation defends the inclusion of all learners by arguing that learners should be included in schools substantively. To put it bluntly, all learners should be active participants who make their own decisions during the teaching and learning process. In addition, learners should embark on public reasoning, be committed to rational norms, and have conversations with each other. By extension, leaners should also act substantively as one way of looking after each other’s interests by being critical of public institution and being able to influence reforms. Furthermore, this mini-dissertation maintains that substantive inclusion of leaners can be a more appropriate way of precluding silent exclusion of learners, as a consequence, bridging the gap between theory and practice.
A research report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education to the Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2020
Seeko, Limakatso Marcelina. (2020). Silent exclusion (of learners) and democratic classrooms in post-apartheid South Africa :a critical analysis of inclusive education policy. University of the Witwatersrand,