Informing industrial policy in Uganda: interaction between institutions, technology and market reforms
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Okuku, Juma Anthony
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This study examines the motive ideas and assumptions that have informed industrial
policy in Uganda since 1945. I deploy a historical perspective in order to understand the
process of industrial policy and hope to capture the practices of industrial policy so as to
explain the failure to pursue a successful industrialisation process in the country. The
objective is to explain the nature of Uganda’s industrial policy practices, historically, with
the view to deepening our understanding its impact on the industrialisation process. The
study contends that industrial policy and industrialisation are often products of
numerous historical, social, economic and political considerations. The major finding of
this thesis is that the lack of a coherent industrial policy was a major contributing factor
in the explanation of Uganda’s stunted industrialisation process.
Secondly, the study analyses industrial policy practices in light of the imposition of
Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs) on the country. Apart from the specific
policies and institutional framework under SAPs, the study endeavours to explain their
impact on industrial sector and it is focused on three themes: i) effects of liberalisation
and privatisation on industry, ii) the sources of finance for industry and iii) the
technology policy and its implications for industrial policy. The study as well addresses
the public-private sector interactions which are seen as an expression of embryonic
embedded autonomy.
The study contends that for industrial policy to be effective at the national level and
enhance competitiveness of industry there should be a selective, sectoral focus approach
rather than a general regulation of the entire economy. Given the variant sectoral
characteristics and features, the understanding of specific sectoral needs is critical to
avoid a generalised industrial policy practices. The focus on sectors brings out similarities
and differences which may inform state policy towards each of them. To illustrate the
differences and similarities between sectors and the need for differentiated industrial
policy options, we take the cases of the textile and fish processing industry sub-sectors.
In conclusion, the thesis contends that to advocate for industrial policy in the current
global context constitutes a movement away from traditional interventionism and goes
beyond the market versus the state dichotomy and recommends their close interactions
to realise sustained industrialisation. In this case, the interaction between institutions,
technology and market reforms as the basis of a coherent industrial policy. From a policy
perspective, this study attempts to provide an analysis that may lead to improved
industrial policy-making within Uganda’s broad political economy.
Industrial policy, Uganda