Writing pedagogies and practices in English and natural science classes at grade 8 level.
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Piccolo, Adele
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The development of learner’s writing skills is a central aim of education. Writing is
the core modality through which school success is measured. To gain an insight
into this essential skill and mode of communication, I chose to explore the current
practices and pedagogies around writing at the school where I teach. Through
this research, I hoped to raise awareness of writing pedagogy and improve the
learners’ the writing experiences.
This research investigates, at the macro and micro level, the pedagogical
practices around writing in two learning areas: English and Natural Science, at
grade 8 level. It explores the various genres of written text learners are expected
to produce, the processes involved in producing written texts and how these
processes engage with the National Curriculum and policy documents. At a more
micro level, it examines the institutional culture of the school, the school subject
departments, and the actual classroom practices in which writing plays a central
role. The research adopts a qualitative approach, drawing on ethnographic style
methods including classroom observation, the collection of artefacts and field
notes, and interviews with the teachers concerned.
The findings of this study reveal that writing cannot be analysed as separate or
discrete from the many influences, both macro and micro, which shape it. Writing
needs to be understood as part of a complex interwoven system an ‘eco-system’
which is dependent on the broader policy framework, the individual school’s and
subject department’s teaching and learning policies and practices, and individual
teacher’s role in mediating writing. The findings show that the purposes and
practices around writing differ in English and Natural Science, as the discourses,
modes and genres required are different. The English classes focus on teaching
writing as a skill, through a synthesis of Process and Genre approaches. The
focus in the Natural Science classes is on ‘content’ – experiments and activities
which teach ‘scientific content’ – and not primarily on teaching writing skills. In
both classes, teacher and peer mediation is central to the success of writing pedagogy. However, these forms of mediation could be improved in my school to
enable better writing production from learners.
Writing, English language, Natural sciences