Patch Antenna Design
Shaw, Gareth Louis
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This paper describes the formulation of a design procedure for the rectangular, probe-fed and rectangular, electromagnetically coupled patch antennas. The design procedure is presented in the form of design curves. The design curve data was generated by solving a bandwidth optimization problem subject to a specified minimum gain constraint. Given a particular performance requirement, an appropriate
antenna geometry can be found using the design curves. An unavoidable tradeoff between the gain and impedance bandwidth performance parameters is evident from the design curves. The bandwidth and minimum gain configurations for design of the probe-fed patch range from 6.2% and 9.9dBi to 13.2% and 6.1dBi respectively. The bandwidth and minimum gain configurations for design of the electromagentically coupled patch range from 9.5% and 9.7dBi to 44% and 6.0dBi respectively.
Doctor of Science in Engineering - Engineering
patch, antenna, design