Algebraic filtrations of the modal m-Calculus

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Cromberge, Michael Benjamin

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In this thesis we analyse the issue of decidability for two modal logics which contain least binders. Towards this goal, we begin the work with a brief survey of modal logic, PDL, the modal -calculus and algebraic filtrations as exposited by Conradie et al. The first such modal logic we analyse is the fragment of the modal -calculus corresponding to PDL; the second logic is the equational theory of the class of -algebras (motivated by the least root calculus of Pratt). We offer a new, algebraic, proof for the decidability of PDL by showing that PDL has the finite model property with respect to the class of dynamic algebras. We then show that the equational theory of the class of -algebras has the finite model property with respect to the class of -algebras; this is based on the proof of Pratt but differs in an important detail. The finite model property results for these two modal logics are achieved by an algebraic filtration method based on that of Conradie et al.


A Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in ful lment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Mathematics. 26 August 2016.



Cromberge, Michael Benjamin (2016) Algebraic filtrations of the modal m-Calculus, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, <>




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