The House of Indigo: an ethnographic study of drag performance, beauty pageantry, and cosmopolitan femininity in Johannesburg
Disemelo, Katlego
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This ethnographic study explores the subcultural world of drag performance and beauty
pageantry at one of Johannesburg’s landmark gay nightclubs – Club Indigo. It examines how
the participants’ consumer identities, material culture, and kinship systems were
constructed within and beyond the subculture. This study investigates how this community,
located at the longest-running queer institution of its kind, was shaped by the contextual
politics and realities of race, class, queerness, and gender identity. This mixed qualitative
study incorporates various research materials such as interview and archival data,
ethnographic fieldnotes, as well as digital and online social media content. By providing
critical discourse and social semiotic analyses, this study argues that these aspirational
performances of consumption (and towards cosmopolitanism) were at once liberating and
constraining for the various subcultural members. The empirical chapters provided in this
study critically analyze the different ways in which queer kinship, beauty pageantry, drag
performance, and online practices of self-stylization simultaneously empowered and limited
the subcultural members’ claims towards belonging and queer citizenship. This
interdisciplinary study contributes to the scholarship on drag and beauty pageantry by
paying specific attention to the members’ practices of consumption and the collective
construction of material cultures within this subcultural context. This ethnographic study
interrogates how the intersections of race, class, gender, and queer subjectivity were
performed through the world-making practices of drag and beauty pageantry at the House
of Indigo. Moreover, this study provides an ethnographic snapshot into one of
Johannesburg’s most premier queer subcultural institutions during its final days. By so
doing, it also demonstrates how this queer landmark institution contributed to the city’s
queer entertainment landscape. Moreover, it shows how this particular subcultural
community enabled its members to make discursive claims about public visibility, upward
mobility, and queer citizenship through drag performances and beauty pageantry.
Key words: Drag, beauty, performance, performativity, consumption, aspiration, queer,
identity, visibility, self-stylization, cosmopolitanism, hyper-femininity
A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Media Studies) to the Faculty of Humanities
University of the Witwatersrand, 2021