The historical construction of policy as discourse: the report of the commission of technical education and vocational education in South Africa 1945-1948
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Baker, Marian Joan
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The following research 'aport presents an outline of !~e De Villiers Commission
Report of 1948, and contains biographical information concerning its authors.
The Report intended to refine and establish policy guidelines for technical and
vocational education in the 1940s. The research will attempt a review of the
relevant literature which examined the Report and its hlstorlcal context. In
addition, it will be argued that the limitations of some of the literature can be
countered by reflecting on the discursive production of educational knowledge in
South African policy. Furthermore, it will be proposed that two areas of concern,
namely race and gender, are categories that are often under-investigated In
relation to an analysis of official documents. hoped that this account will
contribute to the continued debate concerning what is frequently perceived as
the dichotomous relationship between vocational and "general" education.
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Education, University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partil:lI fulfilment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Education •
.Johannesburg, 1999