How do principals manage teaching and learning in inner city secondary schools?

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Khumalo, Shaka Cleopas

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Leading and managing teaching and learning is the core purpose of every school, especially where learner achievement is concerned. Therefore, this study explores the role of principals in managing teaching and learning in relation to learner performance. The study looks at how principals plan for the academic year, how quality of teaching and learning is assured as well as how provision and management of learning material is done. It points towards the school contexts, structures and cultures within which principals operate. The study considers the challenges faced with principals who get promoted because of experience and seniority without training, but it does not aim at pinning down the importance of experience in executing a task The study concludes by suggesting that principals have a major responsibility for the creation and development as well as implementation of plans, policies and procedures that enable the school to translate its vision and mission into achievable action and outcomes. The study also recommends that courses and programmes to enhance professionalism in carrying out principal duties be made available and accessible. This should be done so that principals can have a better understanding of their role in instructional management above other general roles. It was noticed in this study, particularly in the literature review chapter, that many principals do not have a clear understanding of their role in instructional management and consequently confuse it.. Principals often perform other tasks other than the task of managing teaching and learning, hence they often confuse their role with the general role of principalship; which is a broad task performed by principals in general.



School principals, Managing teaching and learning





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