Using the Adolescent Stress Identification Inventory (ASII) to Identify Stress in Grade 10 and Grade 11 Girls, at a Private Highschool in Johannesburg.
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Rose, Lauren Ann
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The Adolescent Stress Identification Inventory (ASII) was developed specifically to
identify stress in South African adolescents. It consists of structured questions in
response to which the subject is required to rate a statement according to a given
scale. The purpose of this research was to assess the usefulness of the ASII as a
structured inventory for identifying stress in adolescent girls who attend a private high
school in Johannesburg. The sample of adolescents used in this research comprised
only of English speaking girls but with the added dimension of the different race
groupings namely White, Black, Chinese, Indian and Coloured. This allowed the
researcher to compare the stressors identified by Kruger (1992) with the comparative
female age cohort selected in this sample and identify and compare the stressors
amongst the different racial groups. Understanding what types of things adolescents
find stressful in relation to their stage of development is important in helping the
adolescent cope with their “daily hassles” and assists teachers, parents and
psychologists in treating and preventing the symptoms of stress. Erikson’s
psychosocial theory of development is used as a basis for understanding the complex
interaction and integration of physical, psychological and social factors that
characterize adolescence as a period of development. The findings from this research
suggest that the stressors identified by grade 10 and grade 11 girls, can be viewed in
terms of the factors associated with the ASII, namely societal demands, self-concept,
future expectations, relations and positive experience. The ASII was able to identify
stressors and detect the similarities and differences of the types of concerns that the
adolescents from the different race groups perceived as stressful. It is recommended
that the ASII is used in conjunction with a qualitative means of acquiring more
information about the respondents stress experience.
Student Number : 9604621R -
MEd (Ed Psyc) research report -
School of Education -
Faculty of Humanities
adolescent, Adolescent Stress Identification Inventory, coping, daily hassles, Erikson, identity, measures of stress, psychosocial, stressors, stress factors