The impact of land reform on women's livelihoods in sub-division A of Clonmore farm - Mberengwa district in Zimbabwe
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Dube, Coleman
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After independence in 1980, Zimbabwe faced the predicament of addressing the
colonial legacy of imbalances in accessing land and other productive resources
between the country’s white people and black African population. Whites held most
of the productive land in the agro-economic Regions I, II and III while black
Africans were predominantly located in overpopulated, marginal and arid land which
was unsuitable for crop production in Natural Regions IV and V. While land reforms
were implemented immediately from independence, these however yielded very
minimum improvements in access to land by black Africans. This was further
exacerbated by the acute need for land reform, the expectations of the freed majority
of the population (black Africans) and the economic collapse in the early 2000s.
These put insurmountable pressures on the government to redistribute land to the
poor and vulnerable households to ensure food self-sufficiency. The above
conditions inadvertently led to the Fast Track Land Reform Programme (FTLRP)
from 1999 - 2015. The FTLRP led to the redistribution of vast swathes of large-scale
commercial farms to the landless poor majority. This wave of land distribution
triggered renewed interest and global debates in the productive efficiency of
smallholder farmers and their capability to generate sustainable rural livelihoods
including equitable gender land ownership, as well as women empowerment in
A case study of selected households from Sub-division A of Clonmore Farm was
used to investigate and contribute to the debate on women empowerment through
land reform, particularly FTLRP. The research investigated to what extent the
FTLRP had empowered rural women and improved their livelihood portfolios and
choices. The research also assessed the mechanisms and barriers that women face to
realise women empowerment as well as the implication of the application of FTLRP
to other regions of the world facing similar land challenges. The study focussed on
women’s livelihoods, their knowledge of land reforms, how they feel about their new
land and what they think needs to be done to improve their access to land and
empower them to take charge of their lives and households.
Findings of the study indicate that the FTLRP has not only improved women’s
access to land but their ownership independently or jointly with their spouses.
Available evidence also shows that some women who gained access to land through
social networks or marriage are insecure especially if the land was bequeathed to
them by in-laws and the husband died before the land permit was transferred into
their names. Women were empowered and were engaging in productive farming and
no-farming activities on the land. Most households were food self-sufficient because
the majority of women were producing more than a tonne of maize (the staple
starch) in a season, enough to feed themselves and their families in a season as well
as selling the surplus, indicating the successful outcomes of the FTLRP.
However, most households remained vulnerable to long spells of drought because
the study area is in the predominantly dry zone, which receives scarce rain. Off-farm
activities, especially mining, cross-border and petty trading as well as a wide range of
services at Yorks Business Centre provided some relief in the form of financial
capital flow which mitigated against adverse weather throughout the year,
particularly in drought years. New farmers, apart from getting assistance from
government and local leaders, accessed social capital from family and friends because
they moved in social groups from the surrounding communal areas (CAs). The
redistribution of land was integrated into the wider government economic
development programme that enhanced rural livelihoods although funding and
support was still inadequate.
Evidence showed that the hybrid model of legal and customary administration of
the land under FTLRP had greatly improved women’s access to land and security of
land tenure compared to their counterparts in the communal areas. More still needed
to be done, especially in targeting women if their empowerment was to be
maximised. Areas that needed to be improved to assist women included gender
sensitive laws, improvements in secular and customary laws particularly inheritance
laws, implementing programmes specifically targeting women. Evidence also
showed that there is still a lot that needs to be done in terms of policy formulation
and implementation, training, input support, etc. to ensure the FTLRP achieves its
maximum potential. However, the 2016–2017 harvest demonstrated the productive
success brought in by smallholder farmers as they contributed significantly to the
surplus sold on the market.
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Humanities in fulfilment of the requirement for the degree Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), School of Geography, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2018
Dube, Coleman, (2018) The impact of land reform on women's livelihoods in sub-division A of Clonmore Farm -Mberengwa district in Zimbabwe, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,