How is Planning Managing Urban Growth in Region ‘A’ of the City of Johannesburg?

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Jackson, Ashlyn

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University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg


This study attempts to understand whether or not Johannesburg is reaching its objective of becoming a „compact, sustainable‟ city and whether or not it is able to combat sprawl; questions pertaining to the management of growth, in the metropolitan, therefore became of key concern. Initially this study was set to continue the annual review reports conducted on the GMS which came to a standstill in 2012. However, due to the limitations associated with this study the initial purpose of the study could not be carried out. Therefore, the study shifted in its perspective and began to focus on how the City and its planners manage growth and whether or not it is effective. It continues to analyse the 2008 GMS; the Urban Development Boundary; the spatial development framework as well as the regional spatial development framework for region A. Therefore it aims to provide an understanding of how these strategies and frameworks work simultaneously and in terms of effectiveness and whether or not planning is working successfully, within the City.



Johannesburg, sustainable city, sprawl, GMS, SDF, growth management


Jackson, A (2015) How is Planning Managing Urban Growth in Region ‘A’ of the City of Johannesburg? , Johannesburg



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