Exploring FET District Subject Advisor's understanding of the tension between formative assessment and summative assessment during the shift from the National Curriculum Statement to Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement
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Malia, Mary
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The purpose of this research was to explore the District Subject Advisor’s (DSAs’) understanding of formative and summative assessment. DSAs understanding will play a significant role in assisting teachers to implement assessment in schools. The understanding of the existing disconnection between formative assessment (FA) and summative assessment (SA) will address the discrepancies between school based assessment (SBA) and the final examination mark. Much as DSAs understand different forms of assessment and their purposes, it was evident that there was shortage, or lack, of teacher development. It was observed that what DSAs know and understand in theory does not translate into practice in schools. The findings of the study suggest that the problem might be systemic. The role of DSAs is more one of monitoring policy compliance, than one of development and support.