Selling the nation?: a critical analysis of the representation of South Africa through the South Africa Alive with Possibility Campaign
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Naidoo, Prinisha
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This study’s purpose was to critically analyse the ways in which South Africa has
been represented through a range of texts created by the International Marketing
Council. These texts included a Website, a Passport and a television Advertisement.
The study focused on how the campaign constructs South African identities through a
choice of specific images. The use of particular South African images and identities
lead to the creation of an image and an identity for the country, which resulted in
South Africa being commoditised. The campaign thus tries to promote South Africa
as if it were a product that could be advertised and sold to a public. The intension of
the International Marketing Council’s campaign is to build a positive image for South
Africa. The study found that the campaign operates through the use of positive
messages built on positive themes and hence creates a positive image for South Africa
as a place of hope where there is a possibility of a better life for all.