Shack schools for shack settlements : a study of DET policies relating to the provision of school facilities in shack settlements in the PWV area.
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Jacklin, Heather Joan
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This report examines the policies of the Department of Education and Training (DET) regarding
provision of school facilities at the end of the eighties. It focuses specifically on the implications
of these policies for legal freestanding shack settlements in the Pretoria-Witwatersrand-
Vereeniging area. The report sets out to unravel discursive trends at the level of senior officials
within the DET related to the provision of schools in shack settlements as well as the policies
and practices which emanated from these discourses. These are related to broader state strategies
and particularly population movement and settlement policies. The effects of these practices are
assessed in terms of equity.(Abbreviation abstract)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Education in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of Master of Education
Squatters -- Education -- South Africa., Blacks -- Education -- South Africa., Education and state -- South Africa.