The impact of macroeconomic factors on the risk of default: the case of residential mortgages

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Mkukwana, Koleka Kukuwe

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Defaulted retail mortgage loans as a percentage of retail mortgage loans and advances averaged 9 percent over 2010 as reported in the SARB Bank Supervision Annual report. Banks are in the business of risk taking and as a result need to constantly evaluate and review credit risk management to attain sustained profitability. In credit risk modelling, default risk is associated with client-specific factors particularly the client’s credit rating. However, Brent, Kelly, Lindsey-Taliefero, and Price (2011), have shown that variation in mortgage delinquencies reflect changes in general macroeconomic conditions. This study aims to provide evidence of whether macroeconomic factors such as the house price index, CPI, credit growth, debt to income ratio, prime interest rates, and unemployment, are key drivers of residential mortgage delinquencies and default in South Africa. In this study, data from an undisclosed bank is used to estimate three models that are supposed to capture the influence of several macroeconomic variables on 30 day, 60 day, and 90 day delinquency rates over the 2006-2010 period. In order to eliminate the potential bias introduced by those observations, a fourth model was estimated using aggregated banking industry published by the SARB. However, due to data constraints, only the severe mortgage delinquency state, that is the 90 day delinquency rate was modelled using this aggregate data. The SARB sample covers the period between 2008 and 2010. The choice of the date 2008 coincides with the introduction of the Basel 2 regulatory framework. Prior to 2008, the big four South African banks were governed by the Basel 1 framework, and measured their credit risk using the so-called Standardised Approach which has different loan categories and different default definitions compared to the Basel 2 Advanced Internal Ratings Approach adopted in 2008. The findings suggest that the two samples (i.e. the data from the individual bank and the SARB data) imply different explanatory macroeconomic factors. Prime interest rates were found to be the only important variable in determining 30 day and 60 day delinquency rates for the individual bank. The house price index, CPI, credit growth, and prime interest rates were found to be the main determinants of the 90 day delinquency rates for the undisclosed bank, while the house price index, CPI, and credit growth, determine the 90 day delinquency rates for the big four banks.



Risk, Credit risk, Default risk, Residential mortgages





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