Search for neutral MSSM Higgs Bosons in the TlTh decay channel at the ATLAS experiment
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Bristow, Timothy
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A thesis is presented for the study of the neutral Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model.
The case where one tau lepton decays to an electron or muon l and the other decays hadronically
h is studied. Two production modes of these neutral Higgs bosons are investigated gluon
fusion and production in association with one or more b-quarks. The analysis is split into two cat-
egories based on whether or not a b-jet is identi ed in the event.This is complemented by Monte Carlo simulations of the
collisions. Comparisons between the data and simulations are done to validate reconstruction tech-
niques and check background estimations. Di erent methods and algorithms for object and event
identification are shown. Limits are placed on the MSSM parameters tan and the mass of the
pseudoscalar Higgs boson A, mA. The work done in this thesis formed part of an official ATLAS
article .
A dissertation presented to
The Faculty of Science
University of the Witwatersrand
in fulfillment
of the requirements of the Degree
Master of Science. May 2013