Can Zimbabwe use its informal economy as a means for sustainable development in the current reconstruction process
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Mbiriri, Rutendo Paidamoyo
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Since the onset of the economic crisis, Zimbabwe has developed a very vibrant
informal sector. Due to the closure of numerous industries, many have lost their jobs
in the formal sector and as a means of survival, have had to engage with the informal
economy. Various scholars have stated that the informal sector has become the
unofficial backbone of the economy. However, with the formation of the unity
Government in February 2009, the new Government is committed to national
reconstruction leading to sustainable development. Therefore, the aim of this
research is to highlight the importance of the informal sector as one of the tools that
can be used to drive economic growth in the country. As a sector that has played a
fundamental role in the country since 1990, this research aims to locate this sector in
the current debates in the ongoing reconstruction process and make the link
between the informal sector and sustainable development.