Measurement of walking capacity after stroke in the Soweto community
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Fearnhead, Mary Lynn Keightley
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Aim: The aim of this study was to quantify the level of ability and in particular walking
ability of a group of stroke survivors resident in Soweto, between 3-6 months post
Design: Descriptive study in which comfortable walking speed over ten metres is
correlated with the distance covered in six minutes and two minutes.
Subjects: Forty one subjects after stroke divided into two groups. Twenty six with a
Barthel Index initial score of ≤60 and fifteen with a score >60.
Main Outcome Measures: Walking speed and two and six minute distance were
compared between groups. In addition actual distance walked in six minutes was
compared with the distance predicted by the ten-metre walking speed test and the
distance predicted by normative reference equations. Heart rate was measured during
the six minute walking test. Functional ability was compared using the Barthel Index
within ten days post stroke and three to six months.
Results: Of those who survived 90% of subjects were able to walk independently after
stroke. The mean walking speed of 0.55 m/s demonstrated a strong correlation with the
distance walked in six minutes (R2=0.816). However it underestimated the distance
walked in six minutes by 7.4%. There were no significant differences between groups
for the walking tests. The two minute walking test distance accurately predicted the
results of the six minute walking test distance (R2=0.97). The average distance walked
in six minutes by subjects after stroke was 40% of the distance predicted for healthy
adults. For the functional walk test 95.5% of subjects had a heart rate within normal
recommended limits. The functional walk test together with a measure of exertion (heart
rate) may indicate an individual's ability to sustain submaximal activity. Subjects had
minimal rehabilitation training. Lower limb pain did not significantly lower the walking
speed (p=0.18) or distance walked in six minutes (p=0.17). Mean Barthel Index score at
three to six months was 85.78 indicative of independence with minimal assistance.
Although the mortality rate for the Barthel Index group with a score less than 60 is
30.7%, the prognosis of survivors was not uniformly poor.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates that though a high percentage of subjects
recovered independent walking after stroke in the Soweto community with minimal
rehabilitation, their walking speed and distance walked are indicative of limited walking
capacity. Walking speed and the two minute walking test could be used to predict
functional walk test performance. Pain in the paretic lower limb though commonly
reported did not appear to affect walking speed or distance walked. The use of the
Barthel Index to predict activities and/or survival merits further investigation.
Student Number : 0414012 -
MSc dissertation -
School of Therapeutic Sciences -
Faculty of Health Sciences
hemiplegia, stroke, walking speed, walking capacity, barthel index