The 'legality' of illegal Somali migrants in Eastleigh estate in Nairobi, Kenya
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Chebichi, Joselyne
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This report explores the „Legality‟ of illegal Somali migrants in Eastleigh estate in Nairobi, Kenya, a predominantly Somali neighborhood favored by both Somali-speaking Kenyans and the Somali refugees. Inspired by existing literature by (Campbell 2006, Lindley 2007, Horst 2006), suggesting that these Somali migrants are socially and economically integrated in the absence of legal status, the report looks into how these Somalis are able to integrate in the mentioned ways without legal status.
Using the mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative) research design, the report analyzes the livelihood strategies of the Somali migrants, in terms of the acquisition, management and sustenance. The study also explores the roles played by the Somalis social networks (the Kenyan Somalis as well as networks in the Diaspora) in the acquisition of these livelihoods. The role played by the law enforcement practices is also explored. Finally the report explores whether legal status is imperative considering that the Somalis are surviving and managing their livelihoods in the absence of legal status.