Renewal of Small Town Economies: The Case of Alice, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
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Xuza, Phila Hlonitshwa Lorraine
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This research investigates the role of small towns in local development, using the
example of Alice in South Africa. Emphasis is placed upon the relationship between a
small town and its rural hinterland with specific reference to agricultural and nonagricultural
activities. The perceived conditions and the role of the town itself as
observed by both rural and urban residents are highlighted by survey findings. The
surveys involved eighty interviews with urban dwellers, eighty with rural dwellers and
thirsty with local businesses. It is shown that there are unfulfilled community needs in
terms of local business development and municipal efforts aimed at ensuring that the
small town offers the economic services required to grow community incomes and the
local economy.
Student Number : 0204446N -
MA dissertation -
School of Geography, Archaeology and Environment Studies -
Faculty of Humanities
small town, local economic development, Alice