The influence of sport sponsorship on brand equity
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Maanda, Penelope Maserame
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Sport sponsorship has become a strategic tool used globally with the objective
of enhancing consumer-based equity elements. Many South Africa companies
like Standard Bank are making substantial investment in sport sponsorship,
however there is limited academic research assessing the ability of sponsorship
to fulfil brand related objectives, particularly those relating to influence on brand
equity elements.
The specific aims of the study were therefore to assess whether the sport
sponsorship has a positive contribution to brand equity dimension through
enhanced brand awareness, brand image, brand loyalty and perceived quality.
Understand the influence of sponsorship fit between event and sponsor on
recall, attitudes towards the sponsor, brand loyalty and perceived quality.
The research was quantitatively undertaken, using Computer Assisted
Telephonic Interviews (CATI). A total of 200 respondents were interviewed for
this study with 100 respondents not being aware of the abovementioned
sponsor and 100 being aware of the said sponsor.
The findings of the study reveal that sponsorship plays a significant and positive
role in influencing on brand awareness and image, however there is no
influence on brand loyalty and perceived service quality. surprisingly, the study
shows that the perceived appropriate fit between the sponsor and the sport
event has a negative influence on brand awareness and brand image. The
implications of the results are that investment in sport sponsorship to build and
enhance brand awareness and image can be a worthwhile investment. On the
contrary marketers should not engage in sport sponsorship with the expectation
to positively influence brand loyalty and service quality.
This study makes a significant contribution in adding to the limited body of
literature on this topic in South Africa and provides guidance on the
effectiveness of sport sponsorship as an effective tool for building or enhancing
brand equity elements.
A research report submitted in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the degree of Master of Management (Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation) to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and
Management, University of the Witwatersrand, 2019