Creating character: a study into the possible synergies, differences and combined use of the Stanislavski System and Body as Archive
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Churchyard, Ashley Kim
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Framed by the praxis of the workshop and rehearsal processes of ‘Awkward’, this research aims to uncover the similarities, differences and possible working in conjunction of Stanislavski’s System and Body as Archive in the development of characters for performance through the use of personal narratives.
This investigation constructs a theoretical framework based on the main components of the Stanislavski System and Body as Archive, with particular reference to personal narratives, emotional memory, improvisation, impulses, visualisations and imagination. The research argues that in these areas there are similarities between the Stanislavski System and Body as Archive, despite one belonging to acting and realism, and the other to Physical Theatre and the abstract.
Through the combination of the Stanislavski System and Body as Archive in the development of characters and the narrative for ‘Awkward’, the research analyses how they could be used together effectively to access personal narratives in the form of emotions and memories and how these could, in turn, be developed into the basis for characters.