Near-rings and their modules
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Berger, Amelie Julie
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After an introduction defining basic structutral aspects of near-rings, this report examines how the ring-theoretic notions of generation and cogeneration can be
extended from modules over a ring to modules over a near-ring. Chapter four examines matrix near-rings and connections between the J2 and JS radicals of the near-ring and the corresponding matrix near-ring.
By extending the concepts of generation and cogeneration from the ring modules
to near-ring modules we are investigating how important distribution and an abelian
additive structure are to these two concepts. The concept of generation faces the
obstacle that the image of a near-ring module homomorphism is not necessarily a
subrnodule of the image space but only a subgroup, while the sum of two subgroups need not even be a subgroup. In chapter two, generation trace and socle are defined for near-ring modules and these ideas are linked with those of the essential
and module-essential subgroups. Cogeneration, dealing with kernels which are always
submodules proved easier to generalise. This is discussed in chapter three
together with the concept of the reject, and these ideas are Iinked to the J1/2
and J2 radicals. The duality of the ring theory case is lost. The results are less
simple than in the ring theory case due to the different types of near-ring module
substructures which give rise to several Jacobson-type radicals.
A near-ring of matrices can be obtained from an arbitrary near-ring by
regarding each rxr matrix as a mapping from Nr to Nr where N is the near-ring
from which entries are taken. The argument showing that the near-ring is
2-semisimple if and only if the associated near-ring of matrices is 2-semisimple
is presented and investigated in the case of s-semisimplicity.
Questions arising from this report are presented in the final chapter.
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Science, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 1991.