Extension of the FVM method to subsonic speeds
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Versteegh, Janine
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An engineering level method, the free vortex model (FVM) method, which was
developed for supersonic flow has been extended to subsonic incompressible Mach
numbers. The method was applied to predict lee side flow features for a tangent ogive
missile with very low aspect ratio wings in the ‘+’ orientation. Simulations were
carried out for three different span to body diameter ratios, namely 1.25, 1.50 and
1.75. Prediction results were validated by comparing aerodynamic loads and vortex
positions to validated CFD data as well as another established engineering method
namely the discrete vortex model (DVM) method. The normal force was well
predicted while the centre-of-pressure position predictions were reasonable. The
vortex positions were not predicted with the acceptable level of accuracy and is
therefore a limitation of the method at incompressible speeds. It was shown that the
FVM method is less suitable for span to body diameter ratios above 1.25 for which
the DVM method is more suitable.