Forensic entomology on the Gauteng Highveld
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Gilbert, Allison Elizabeth
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Forensic Entomology utilises arthropods in legal investigations that involve death, neglect
and abuse of humans and animals and even civil cases like insurance claims. This study
aimed to make general observations on the decomposition of a pig carcass (Sus scofa
Linneaus) in relation to recorded temperatures of the carcass and the surrounding site
during both summer and winter on the Gauteng Highveld. The study also aimed to identify
the dominant blowfly species occurring in the region. Six species were identified:
Calliphora vicina, Chrysomya marginalis, Ch. albiceps, Ch. chloropyga, Lucilia sericata
and L. cuprina. The cephaloskeleton, anal spiracles and anterior spiracles were dissected
from the first, second and third larval instars of the flies to isolate the key features
currently used in morphological identifications. The ITS2 region was investigated for the
development of a multiplex PCR method to identify these species. The multiplex PCR
method did not include Chrysomya albiceps but does successfully differentiate between the
other five commonly occurring blowflies.