An experimental intervention for reading fluency and comprehension using RAVE-O: a case study of one Grade 2 reading group in one Johannesburg school

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Randleff-Rasmussen, Gwyn

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Abstract Gwyn Randleff-Rasmussen An experimental intervention for reading fluency and comprehension using RAVE-O: A case study of one Grade 2 reading group in one Johannesburg school. RAVE-O (Retrieval, Automaticity, Vocabulary Elaboration (or Engagement with language) and Orthography) is a reading intervention developed using scientific principles specifically aimed at teaching dyslexic children to read. This study examines the effects of a RAVE-O intervention on fluency and comprehension in reading. It follows the application of the intervention by one teacher with a group of seven children with severe reading difficulties in a Johannesburg school, using participant observation to document how she adapted the resources and concepts of the program to meet the specific needs of the children in the group, over the course of one year. The results of reading tests administered before and after the intervention were compared. The generally positive results in reading fluency, comprehension, phonological awareness and RAN in this small group of children with reading difficulties indicate that the program would help in improving literacy outcomes in other South African contexts. The study highlights the specific difficulties encountered during the South African application with regard to the Americandeveloped materials and the constraints of the program in relation to the South African school timetable. It also elaborates on particular strengths of the program, primarily vocabulary acquisition and an increased engagement with and enjoyment of language.



RAVE-O, reading intervention, reading;, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary





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