A comparative study of particulate and gaseous emissions, of a diesel engine fuelled conventionally and with dimethyl ether.
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Leonsins, Byron Ajax Alexander
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A comparative study of the particulate and gaseous emissions of a 2 cylinder Lister-
Petter compression ignition engine when fuelled with diesel and dimethyl ether was
undertaken. The investigation involved the commissioning of a Cambustion DMS500
Fast particulate Spectrometer, allowing the spectral densities and cumulative
concentrations of particulates in the exhaust stream to be sampled. The investigation
was performed for changing engine speeds at various engine loads, namely:
1300rpm to 1800rpm at 25Nm to 45Nm. Along with particulates, THC, NOx, CO2 and
CO were measured using various Signal Gas Analysers. Various engine
performance measures were also recorded, including maximum cylinder pressure
and temperature, air/fuel ratio, exhaust temperature, shaft speed, torque and fuel
conversion efficiency. The most notable finding was that particulate sizes were in the
range of 150nm to 170nm under diesel fuelling whereas for dimethyl ether fuelling
they were 5,5nm to 7nm. It was also found that increasing engine speed with
dimethyl ether fuelling causes an increase in the particulate size, whereas with diesel
fuelling increasing engine load resulted in an increase in size. The concentration of
particulates was seen to increase with increasing engine speed. It was also found
that under both fuelling methods there exists an indirectly proportional relationship
between NOx and particulates.