The primary health care approach towards an acceptable level of health.

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Coovadia, Tasneem.

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A definition of development includes improving living conditions and the quality of life. There is an interrelationship between health and social and economic development. "Health Leads to and at the same time is dependant on a progressive improvement in conditions and quality of life". (World Health Organisation). Therefore a dIscussion on health has to take into account the socio-economic and political context. In assessing the health profile of the homeland populations one finds them to be the least healthy. The problem is that the level of health of the rural population is low and the health care situation follows that of a developing society, where poverty-related diseases and infant mortality rates are high and life expectancies are unacceptably low. The rationale of this discourse is to express the need of action by governments, and health Bnd development workers, to protect and promote health. The aim is to examine the primary health care approach in Q sample area and see how it can be used to achieve an acceptable level of health. Background on the state of health will be addressed. The health services under apartheid is discussed in the first section, with attention given to statistical information and health indicators.


Discourse for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (Development Planning) at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,


Rural health services -- South Africa., Primary health care -- South Africa., Development economics -- South Africa.





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