In search of a middle way: A comparison of nagarjuna`s method, Prasanga, and Mark Taylor`s deconstructive system.
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Dixie, Heloise
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I explore the implications of transposing the Madhyamikan term sunyata and the deconstm ctive process of Nagarjuna anachronistically into the contemporary deconstmctive debate. Deconstructionist and a/theologian Mark Taylor's book Erring and nOts are reviewed in relation to Nagarjuna's Muiamadhyamikakarika. I suggest that this a-historical practice is problematical.To conflate Mark Taylor's understanding of the deconstmctive term differance and his proposed divine milieu witii Nagarjuna's sunyata is erroneous. The terms diffem nce and 'sunycitd are distinct as they are coloured by the writers' motivations which results in different structures given to their terms and
deconstm ctive moves, The terms also function in specific cultural and ideational milieus and this precludes the easy conflation of their terms and enterprises. The comparison of these terms may offer new and creative insights but tire conflation of their terms and enterprises is simplistic and fails to consider the central concerns of the writers.