Healthy migrants or health migrants? accounting for the health care utilisation patterns of Zimbabwean migrants living in South Africa
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Pophiwa, Nedson
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Background: There is a long history of migration between Zimbabwe and South Africa.
In recent years there has been a significant increase in the mix of Zimbabweans migrating
to South Africa in search of better economic opportunities, fleeing political persecution,
to pursue education. Little is known about the public health impact of this migration, the
healthcare needs of the different categories of migrants, as well as their health-seeking
strategies. The report aimed to explain the patterns of health care utilisation of
Zimbabwean migrants in Johannesburg.
Methods: A descriptive exploratory research design was adopted in which two methods
were applied. First was the use of existing quantitative data from a recently completed
survey (RENEWAL 2008) in which Zimbabwean migrants were the prominent
international migrant group (n=118). Second, follow-up qualitative in-depth interviews
with four respondents, were conducted to explore in detail specific cases where
respondents used a public healthcare facility or where they had to make a difficult
decision due to illness in a foreign country.
Results: The majority of Zimbabwean migrants do not seek healthcare in South Africa
neither do they report “ever falling ill” after arriving in the country. Out of 118
respondents only 25 reported an illness incidence of which 17 sought help from different
health service providers, 11 of them at a government health facility. None of them was
denied on the basis of their legal status. Some of the users of healthcare services, were
satisfied with the treatment they received.
Conclusion: There is little evidence in the findings to support the hypothesis that legal
status is a deterrent factor among migrants who seek treatment at government hospitals.
Instead factors such as proximity of the healthcare facility to the respondent’s place of
residence were the more important reasons in choosing a certain healthcare provider.
Also the generally low utilisation tendencies could be attributed to the “healthy migrant
hypothesis”. A survey with a larger sample size could establish more diverse patterns of
health care utilisation among Zimbabwean migrants in South Africa.