Brazil Colonial Legacy and Growth Patterns

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Lena, Lavinas
Domingues, José Maurício
Gonçalves, Guilherme Leite
Cordilha, Ana Carolina
Bedê, Francisco
Bressan, Lucas
Constantino, João Paulo
Rubin, Pedro

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Southern Centre for Inequality Studies ISCIS)


This paper provides a very concise view of the trajectory of Brazil since it became a republic. It goes through the 20th century and into the 21st century to systematize how the different phases of economic development reproduced and reformatted the inequalities inherited from the country´s colonial-slave period. Its objective is to provide a timeline, framed by the structural transformations in the economy and in the political regime, which has shifted between democratic and authoritarian periods, always with a strong role for the State. In addition to characterizing the industrial accumulation pattern of what was dubbed "developmentalism", and the rupture with this pattern caused by the financialization of the economy, in the midst of the democratization process of the country, starting in the mid-1980s, the paper briefly describes how the social question evolved over time and how the oligarchic power structures remained dominant in the state apparatus and in the political system.



Wealth Inequality, colonial-slave period, Brazil


Lavinas, L., Domingues, J.M., Gonçalves, G. L., Cordilha, A.C., Bedê F., Bressan, L., Constantino, J.P and Rubin P. Brazil Colonial Legacy and Growth Patterns. 2023. Wealth Inequality Working Paper | Number 53



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