The lived experiences with paediatric hearing loss: medical doctors as parents of deaf children
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Birdsey, Bianca Caren
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Paediatric hearing loss is an important aspect of neurodevelopment. Optimal management
includes a holistic family-centered approach. In spite of knowing this, the field of paediatric
hearing loss is largely influenced by a medical model view of disability. Exposure to the lived
experience may be the catalyst for the necessary shift towards holistic family care. This study
explored the lived experiences of South African medical doctors who are also parents of deaf
children. The aim being to better understand the field of paediatric hearing loss through their
insights gained as parents. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was the approach used for
this qualitative enquiry. Five participants were selected using purposive sampling and an indepth
semi-structured interview used as the data instrument. Thereafter, three levels of thematic
analysis were conducted. Four organizing themes emerged reflecting the complex journey of
parenting deaf children, insights into the interactions and support received, as well as the
reflections on the inadequate knowledge of doctors about paediatric deafness. Participants
acknowledged the power of the lived experience in changing their own practice as both parents
and practitioners.
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree, MSc Med Child Health (Neurodevelopment)