Multinational Corporations and Human Rights Violations in African Conflict Zones: The Case Study of Angola 1992-2005
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Luvhengo, Victor
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The debate about companies in conflict zones and how they link with human rights
violations has gained more attention recently in both business and International
Relations. As a result of negative role played by some of Multinational Corporations
(MNCs) in conflict zones, the profile of business in conflict prevention, governance and
democratization has become more defined. This is due to the outcry concerning the
activities of MNCs in conflict zones. The international community has vigorously
campaigned for effective regimes to guide the conduct of MNCs in conflicts.
The aim of this thesis is to figure out both direct and indirect role that the MNCs played
in conflict areas such as Angola where there are massive abuse of human rights. The
increase in foreign direct investment has created a myriad of opportunities for expansion
within developing countries such as Angola, the study wants to make intense analysis of
that expansion in zones of conflict as to whether companies are a force for good or not,
deriving empirical evidence of Angola.
Student Number : 0411745T -
MA research report -
School of International Relations -
Faculty of Humanities
Multinational Corporations, Human Rights, Conflict Zones, Angola, Peace and Security, Corporate Governance