Research Transformation: Change in the era of AI, open and impact: voices from the academic community


The way we interact with information can amplify our ability to make connections, and in doing so transforms how we understand the world. Supercharged by the AI moment that we are in, the steady march of digital transformation in society over the last three decades is primed for rapid evolution. What is true for society, is also doubly so for research. Alongside ground-breaking research and discoveries is the constant invitation to adapt to new knowledge and abilities. Combine the general imperative within the research sector to innovate with the rapidly evolving capabilities of generative AI and it is safe to say that expectations are high. Taking effective advantage of new possibilities as they arise however, requires successful coordination within society and systems. At Digital Science, we have always sought to be an integral part of research transformation, aiming to provide products that enable the research sector to evolve research practice – from collaboration and discovery through to analytics and administration. Our ability to serve clients from research institutions to funders, publishers, and industry has placed us in a unique position to facilitate change across the sector, not simply within silos, but between them.


A Digital Science Report on research transformation, 2024.


Digital science, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Academic community, Open research, Research security, Academic research transformation, Research transformation, Research evaluation, Research impact


Science, Digital; Hahnel, Mark; Porter, Simon; Delevante, Rachael (2024). Research transformation: change in the era of open, AI and impact. Digital Science. Report.



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