Grade 10 english second language pupils` difficulties with paradoxical jargon and technical terms commonly used in their mathematics curriculum
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Poni, Tsepo
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This study investigates, the extent of the difficulty that Grade 10 English second
language learners have with some of the mathematics terms which are commonly
used in their curriculum.A selection of twenty technical terms and thirteen
paradoxical jargon terms as extracted from four different textbooks used for their
syllabus. A multiple-choice test was constructed and given to them. A huge and
disturbing percentage of the learners writing the test could not choose the correct
meaning of both the technical and paradoxical jargon terms tested. Although the
learners performed better on the paradoxical jargon section than on the technical
section of the test, the difference was shown to be not significant. These results have
serious implications for the teaching and learning of mathematics.