SYMBIOSEAS - Connecting man and sea: preserving our oceans through built form
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Cachalia, Ayesha
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Currently our oceans are at great risk of losing species and
habitats due to global warming, pollution and over fishing. Marine
conservationists are fighting to maintain the biodiversity in our
oceans however, these efforts are futile if the global population does
not acknowledge the damaging impact of their activities on the
ocean. It is through awareness and understanding of marine life
that humans can be more conscious of their actions.
Human interaction with the ocean is limited and often superficial.
This research works towards establishing a meaningful connection
between man and sea through a multitude of interactions. To achieve
this in the form of a building proposal, a site in Hermanus was chosen
due to pre-existing eco-tousrim infrastructure which supports the
cause. In this environment it is possible to create up-close encounters
with marine life, in nature, providing a more intimate experience
than what is already available. The proposed design, facilitating
meaningful access to the ocean, includes a shark research centre
and a much needed visitor centre, connected by an education centre
which includes an underwater observatory. A journey through these
spaces, ending in the local historic harbour, will be the source of
different experiential relationships between people and the ocean
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in Architecture (Professional), 2020
Cachalia, Ayesha (2020) Symbioseas - Connecting man and sea:preserving our oceans through built form, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, <>