The relationship between gross motor function and psychological well-being in adults with cerebral palsy.
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Timmins, Monica Clare
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Motor deficits are debilitating in that they affect everyday function in human beings
(Zillmer & Spiers, 2001). Cerebral Palsy (CP) is one particular disorder that is primary
characterised by motor deficits, more specifically gross motor function deficits. As a
result, people with CP are restricted in their everyday function and lack independence and
self-sufficiency. With other factors such as stigmatisation and prejudice, social
participation becomes limited which leads to isolation and loneliness, which may further
lead to psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, low self esteem and poor
quality of life. These assumptions are based on the application of the mental health
model, and one could assume the poorer the level of functioning the more likely a
person’s psychological well-being will suffer. Thus, the study attempted to investigate
these assumptions by exploring the relationship between levels of gross motor function
and psychological well-being.
A sample of 43 participants based in a care centre in Johannesburg completed a
demographic questionnaire, the Major Depression Inventory (MDI), The Becks Anxiety
Inventory (BAI), The Rosenburg Self Esteem Scale (RSE) and the Comprehensive
Quality of Life Scale (COMQOL – A5). In addition, through observation, the level of
gross motor function was determined by utilising the Gross Motor Function
Classification System (GMFCS). The data that was gathered and was statistically
manipulated to explore three main questions.
Before the relationship between gross motor function and psychological well-being could
be explored it was necessary to examine the suitability of the use of psychological
measure on an adult with CP sample. Results indicated that the MDI (r = 0.78), BAI (r =
0.76). RSE (0.77), and COMQOL (r = 0.99) had high internal constancy reliability.
The relationship between demographical variables, namely, age, gender, years of
residency, experience of motor deterioration and presence of epilepsy, were tested against
the level of gross motor function. No significant results were found apart from motor
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deterioration. More participants with a higher level of gross motor function experienced
motor deterioration (77%) than those with a lower level of gross motor function (44%).
Lastly, the relationship between psychological variables and gross motor function was
investigated as well as difference between the levels. Correlations revealed very weak
positive relationships, with the exception of depression having a very weak negative
relationship. All relationship were non significant. Although slight differences were seen
between levels, they were non significant. 7% of participants were diagnosed with
depressive disorders, and 47% with anxiety disorders. Problems with certain questions
pertaining to the BAI raised concerns over the suitability of its use in CP adult samples.
The study concluded that psychological measures, excluding the BAI, were suitable for
use on a sample of adults with CP. It also highlighted that the level of motor functioning
is not related to or determines psychological well-being in adults with CP.
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Cerebral palsy, Gross motor function