Palaeoenvironmental successions and sequence stratigraphy of the early to Middle Devonian Bokkeveld Group in the Clanwilliam Sub-basin, Western Cape Province, South Africa
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Penn-Clarke, Cameron Roy
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Reassessment of the sedimentology of the Bokkeveld Group in the Clanwilliam Sub-basin has allowed for the recognition of twelve lithofacies (1-12) comprising eight lthofacies association (A-H). Comparison of these lithofacies and lithofacies associations, as well as their palaeontological and ichnological content, with both ancient and modern analogues and applied experimental sedimentology suggests that sedimentation of the Bokkeveld Group in Clanwilliam Sub-basin occurred within three board siliciclastic depositional systems in a marginal-and-shallow marine setting. These are namely 1) A storm-and-wave-dominated shallow marine depositionl system comprising system offshore (Os) , offshore transition zone-to-distal Lower shoreface (OTZ-dLSF), proximal Lower shoreface (pLSF) and Upper shoreface-beach complex (USF-Beach) palaoenvironments. This is the most common depositional system in the field study area and persisted during sedimentationof the Gydo, Gamka, Voorstehoek, Hex River, Waboomberg, Wupperthal, Osberg and Karoopoort Formations. [Abbreviated Abstract. Open document to view full version]
Penn-Clarke, Cameron Roy, (2017) Palaeoenvironmental successions and sequence stratigraphy of the early to Middle Devonian Bokkeveld Group in the Clanwilliam Sub-basin, Western Cape Province, South Africa, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,