Parent's views of family centred care in a South African Academic Hospital in Gauteng
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Ndlovu, Mathoto Sinnah
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Introduction Admission of a child in hospital is a stressful situation for the child, parents and
family. According to the American National Centre for Family/Professional Development
(2009) Family Centred Care is important as this can improve patient and family outcomes,
improve the patient’s and family’s experience, increase patient and family satisfaction, build
on child and family strengths, increase professional satisfaction, decrease health care costs,
and lead to more effective use of health care resources. Hence, there is a need for Family
Centred Care and this should be standard practice in health care institutions. While Family
Centred Care is known to be beneficial, the approach has not received specific attention in
most hospitals in South Africa. Little is also known about the parental views on family
centred care in the South African context.
Purpose and objectives The purpose of the study was to describe parents’ views on Family
Centred Care in two general paediatric medical wards of an academic hospital with a view to
develop to improve Family Centred Care in the future. The objectives are to describe
parents’ views regarding Family Centred Care with the use of Family Centred Care Scale
and to compare parents’ views in the two paediatric medical wards.
Method This study was conducted using a quantitative design with a descriptive, cross
sectional, non-experimental survey, using a researcher-administered assessment validated
tool entitled Family Centred Care Scale (FCCS) with a 5-point Likert scale (Curley,
Hunsberger, and Harris, 2013). The total population N=161 parents of the total sum of
children’s parents admitted in the two medical wards of a particular month were asked to
participate in the survey if they met the inclusion criteria.
Results The results from the matched p scores (p<0.05) from the importance and
consistency subscales show that the parents expectations of the nurses’ actions are being
fulfilled with regard to Family Centred care. The match scores were all above 50% however,
the item “nurses help me feel welcomed” rated the lowest. This could be because of the rigid
and short visiting hours. There was no statistically difference in the match scores of Ward A
and Ward B.
Conclusion There is general satisfaction of family-centred care in the two paediatric wards
from the respondents. The respondents from both wards in the study did not differ significantly
in terms of family-centred care views, as portrayed by the Family-Centred Care Scale. There
is a need to replicate this study on parents whose children have been discharged but
meanwhile attention to the rigid visiting hours appears to be warranted.
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences in fulfilment of the requirement for the degree Master of Science (Nursing), University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2017
Ndlovu, Mathoto Sinnah, (2017) Parents' views of family centred care in a South African Academic Hospital in Gauteng, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,