Investigating an optimized approach to the teaching and learning of genetics & evolution in South African schools

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This study explores teachers’ experiences of teaching genetics and evolution according to the grade 12 Life Sciences CAPS curriculum in Gauteng Public High Schools. Research has shown that learners are only achieving a 40-50% average in the genetics and evolution sections of their final examinations (DBE, 2017,2018,2019,2020,2021,2022), however, few studies have been undertaken to explore how learners’ conceptual understanding and performance could be improved. In this regard, this study investigates whether the enacted might be a contributing factor to poor performance. To address this, 3 teachers from three different quintile 5 and 2 teachers from 2 different quintile 4 public (1 teacher per school), CAPS abiding high schools, as well as 1 genetics and 1 evolution lecturer to pre-service Life Science teachers, were purposively selected and interviewed to evaluate the topics of genetics and evolution in the enacted curriculum. The data collected from the interviews, participant sequencing suggestions and participant concept maps was analysed through inductive and deductive thematic analysis. In terms of threshold concepts, the data showed conclusively that an understanding of certain genetic concepts (such as DNA, meiosis, mutations, variation, etc.) is essential to the understanding of certain evolution concepts. Regarding the annual teaching plans, it was found that although teachers abide by the proposed plan, they suggest that resequencing evolution to directly follow genetics may improve learner understanding. Lastly, the genetics and evolution lecturers agreed that while the university curriculum is tailored to cover the school curriculum, there are still some areas which are not adequately covered a university level which may result in teachers having some knowledge gaps regarding the school curriculum. Based on the data, a recommendation is made for the reconsideration of the sequencing of genetics and evolution for optimized linking between the topics. However, further research still needs to be done to determine the most effective pedagogical methods for teaching and learning genetics and evolution content in high schoo


A research report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master of Science in Palaeontology to the Faculty of Science, School of Geosciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023


Teaching genetics, Grade 12 learners, Teachers’ experiences





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