Capital, labour and the S.A. State: 1939-1952
Davie, Kevin
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This paper is essentially a summary of part of a dissertation I am
preparing for a M. Soc. Science degree. The primary focus is on the
labour movement in South Africa during the forties, but as is shown
below, to understand the fortunes of labour one has to also evaluate
the role of Capital and the State. My initial reason for choosing to
investigate the 1940 - 1950 period was that the state during these
years was prepared to offer a measure of statutory recognition to
African unions. Another consideration was that there was a good deal
of labour unrest in the mid-forties. The struggle between Capital and
Labour intensified during these years, the like of which had not been
seen since the early 1920's. For these and other reasons the 1940's must
be an important period to investigate, yet little work has been completed
to date. This acted as an additional stimulus to me.
African Studies Seminar series. Paper presented September, 1978