'Unions are for older people' : a case study of young people in the South African Commercial, Catering and Allied Workers Union (SACCAWU).
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Frimpong, Freda S.
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Evidence from literature on youth and trade unions suggests mixed perception
of the youth towards trade unions. On one hand, the youth is said to perceive
unions positively, thus see unions as relevant in improving their employment
conditions. On the other hand, the youth is said to have negative perception
towards trade unions. Consequently, it has been argued that there is apathy
among young workers in terms of identification with unions. This study thus
aimed at contributing to this discourse by exploring the attitudes and perceptions
of young people (between the ages of 18 to 35 years) towards trade unionism.
Qualitative technique was used to collect data through in-depth interviews and
Focused Group Discussions with 28 young workers working at where the South
African Commercial Catering and Allied Workers Union (SACCAWU) organises.
The findings of this study indicate that the issue of young workers’ apathy
towards trade unionism is complex. Majority of the participants had positive
perceptions toward the union and saw the union as useful in addressing their
workplace issues. Hence, the generally held view that the youth predominantly
have negative perceptions toward trade unions is exaggerated. This is because
young workers are also mindful of workplace protection and believe that trade
unions can offer them protection. This notwithstanding, the findings also shows
some frustration and apathy among young workers, generated by ignorance of
unionism due to lack of information and unfavourable working hours.