An evaluation of a youth counselling programme incorporating feuerstain's concept of mediated learning experience

dc.contributor.authorBurkhalter, T
dc.descriptionA research report submitted to the Faculty of Education, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education (Educational Psychology) Johannesburg, 1995en_ZA
dc.description.abstractThe primary aim of the study was to investigate the effect of participation in a Youth counselling programme incorporrating mediated learning experience, on the locus of control and self-concept of the group of children participating. It was hypothesised that the children would display a more internal locus of control and a more positive self-concept all completion of the programme. The secondary aim of the study was to assers the value of including mediated learning experience into the Youth Counsellor's programme. The subjects were drawn from children attending a language enrichment programme at the Division of Specialised Education (university of the Witwatersrand), and were divided into control and experimental groups on the basis of their involvement in a Youth Counselling programme at the same institution. The youth counsellor's were volunteers drawn from stUdents enrolled in the Guidance Methodology course as part of their post-graduate Teacher's Diploma. The data for the primary aim was collected throngh pre- and posttest administration of the Nowicki- Strickland Locus of Control Scale for children, the Coopersmith Self- Esteem Inventories and the Draw-A-Person Test. Data for the secondary aim was collected through a questionnaire administered to the counsellors after completion of the programme, and through a qualitative analysis of their Final Reports. Results of the study indicate inconclusive results with respect to locus of control and self-concept, and suggest further research to validate the crosscultural application of the questionnaire measures utilised. With regard to the inclusion of mediated learning experience, the qualitative results indicate a favourable response to the approach, but also suggest modifications to the structure of the programme to facilitate greater cohenence and tangibility regarding it's goals.en_ZA
dc.titleAn evaluation of a youth counselling programme incorporating feuerstain's concept of mediated learning experienceen_ZA
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