Physiological and anthropometrical comparisons between the triathlete and the runner, cyclist and swimmer
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Zetisky, Jonathan V
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Development in triathlon at the elite level can be improved by knowing the
physical, physiological and anthropometrical characteristics of current elite
triathletes and single sport athletes, and isolating those factors that contribute
to high levels of performance. Much research on this topic has been done
with regard to the single sport disciplines of running, swimming and cycling.
However, less is known about triathletes. The primary purpose of this study
was therefore to see whether and how triathletes differ from the single sport
athletes in the disciplines of swimming, cycling and running, and by so doing,
to develop a profile of an elite South African triathlete.
Thirty-four subjects (triathletes: n = 12; runners: n = 8; swimmers: n = 6 and
cyclists: n = 8) were measured for the physical characteristics of age, mass,
height, body fat and lean body mass. Anthropometric measurements (skinfolds,
bone breadths and girths) were also taken along with the physiological
components of VO2 maximum (maximal oxygen consumption) and running
economy. Muscle strength and endurance were also measured.
The results showed that triathletes do not differ significantly from the single
sport athletes (swimmers, cyclists and runners) in any of the components
measured. In fact, they are generally most similar to cyclists in all of the
categories measured and in each of these, lie between runners and
swimmers. Runners and swimmers however, were significantly different
(P<0.05) from each other in terms of mass (kg), lean body mass (kg) and
maximal oxygen consumption (ml O2/kg.min-1).
No significant differences were noted between the triathletes, swimmers,
cyclists and runners in endomorphy, mesomorphy and ectomorphy
somatotype ratings. Swimmers (2 – 3,9 – 2,7) and cyclists (2 – 4 – 2,8) as
well as the triathletes (2 – 3,8 – 2,8) fall into the ectomorphic-mesomorph
somatotype while runners (1,8 – 3 – 3,5) on the other hand, were classified as
The study therefore suggests that no single physical, physiological or
anthropometrical factor determines successful performance. Rather, it is a
blend of physical and physiological traits observed in the single sport athletes
that makes a successful triathlete.
Zetisky Jonathan V 9213052F
Master of Science in Medicine
Faculty of Health Sciences
M.Sc (med)
Prof Rogers, G
Triathletes, Runners, Swimmers, Cyclists, Anthropometric, Physiological, Somatotype, measurements, Rating