Women in management positions in Maseru high schools
Shale, Nthabiseng Lydia
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This study aimed at investigating perceptions about women in management positions in the
L esotho schooling system in Maseru. The perceptions o f three categories o f people were
investigated: wom en in positions o f management, their female subordinates and their male
subordinates. The perceptions o f women in management positions were in terms o f their
management styles, their relationship with their subordinates, discrimination and their dual roles
o f family and career. The perceptions o f the subordinates, both male and female, about their
women principals were in terms o f their management styles and their relationship with them, as
Three methods o f data collection were employed: interviews, questionnaires and observation.
D ata from women principals were collected in the form o f career history interviews, while data
from both male and female subordinates were collected through questionnaires. Both the
principals and their staff were observed in staff meetings.
The study discovered that there is no distinct style o f management followed by women, as this
depends on the character o f an individual and on the management situation. It also revealed that
as far as the relationship between women principals and their subordinates is concerned, women
principals get m ost o f their support from male staff as opposed to female staff. It was also
discovered that even though sometimes their subordinates doubt their potential as principals, they
are not discriminated against. Their dual roles o f family and work do not appear to have any
negative impact on their job. One reason is that the job itself requires time management skills.
While these findings confirm some o f aspects o f similar research conducted in other parts o f the
world, they challenge other aspects o f international research. Since the study was limited to
Maseru, its findings cannot be generalised to the rest o f Lesotho.