An empirical investigation of sector correlation forecasting techniques and the potential benefits to investors
Metcalfe, Stephen Fraser
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Financial modelling is of considerable value to portfolio management. The
effectiveness of different methods of forecasting correlation between sub-sectors, as
part of the sector-allocation stage of the portfolio-construction process, has not yet
been investigated. This focus is useful since it is relatively practical to collect data
pertaining to sector and sub-sector indices, and hence the calculation of figures
necessary to determine their investment performance is simpler.
The aim of this research paper was to examine the performance of various
correlation estimation techniques under two assessment criteria and to identify, if
possible, the most suitable methods to employ in the sub-sector allocation stage of
the ‘top-down’ approach to portfolio construction. Monthly total returns were
calculated for each of the market indices, the sectors and their sub-sectors from the
relevant total return indices as part of the analysis. The first assessment criterion was
the statistical performance of the methods, which measured their ability to estimate
future correlation coefficients between different sub-sectors by analysing the
distributions of their absolute forecast errors. The second assessment criterion was
the economic performance of the forecast methods. MPT was used to select the
optimal portfolios for certain levels of expected return and the economic performance
of the efficient sub-sector allocations, selected using the different correlation
estimation techniques, was then evaluated.
The two models used to estimate correlation that stood out from the rest in terms of
their overall performance were the full HCM model and the industry mean model.
From the perspective of the statistical performance criterion, the industry mean
model consistently performed the best and the full HCM model also performed well.
The economic performance of all the models tested, with the exception of the overall
mean model, outperformed the passive investment strategy of holding the market portfolio. The economic performance of the full HCM model was best overall and that
of the industry mean model was also strong. Prior research has found that the
industry mean model is useful in forecasting future correlation between individual
shares. This research found that the industry mean model also has value in
forecasting future correlation between sub-sectors. Furthermore, despite
demonstration in prior research of the full HCM model’s poor ability to estimate future
correlation between individual shares, it was one of the most effective models at forecasting correlation between sub-sectors. Both of these models therefore hold
value to investors for the purposes of sub-sector allocation as part of a top-down
approach to financial portfolio construction.