Investigating quality in construction in the residential sector around the Gauteng region

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Mulla, Mohamed
Crossman, Richard
Nyalunga, Sikhulile

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University of Witwatersrand


According to the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB), quality in the residential sector in South Africa is the least satisfactory among all sectors. It is therefore important to research further into this sector to establish the current state of quality and factors that affect it from homeowner’s perspective. The key purpose of this study is therefore to investigate the level and factors that affect the quality of construction in recently developed (in the 12 last years) private estates in Johannesburg, South Africa. Literature was used to determine factors that affect quality in residential properties. These factors were then used to design a questionnaire that helped to determine the level of quality in estates in the Johannesburg region. Quality has been found to be of a satisfactory level however some notable points were raised from respondents regarding some underperforming aspects. These factors are floor finishes, running costs, outside area of the home, general aesthetics of the home, ambient temperature, natural lighting, parking area, air conditioning and delays in construction These factors are analyzed and recommendations for future studies have been made.


The key purpose of this study is to investigate the level and factors that affect the quality of construction in residential properties in Johannesburg, South Africa.


Residential sectors, Construction quality--South Africa--Gauteng


Mulla, M., Crossman, R. and Nyalunga, S. (2016). Investigating quality in construction in the residential sector around the Gauteng region. Johannesburg: University of Witwatersrand



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