Broadcasting reform in Ghana: A critical analysis of broadcasting policy and regulatory change 1994-2008

Ahmed, Abubakari Sidick
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This study is a critical policy analysis on broadcasting reform in Ghana between 1992 and 2008 with a particular interest in critically tracking and examining the changes that occurred in broadcasting policy and regulation. Beyond the intrinsic value and relevance of policy and regulation, this study focuses on the factors and forces that are generative of the changes as occurring within the context of a defunct military regime to a more pluralistic, multi-party and open participatory democratic political system. Also, in focus are the ways in which the policy and regulatory changes occurred, the impact of the changes on the Ghanaian broadcasting system and its structures. The study not only examined and corroborated related policy and regulatory documents from primary and secondary sources but also garnered insights of policy-making “actors” interviewed. Finally, the study determines the policy and regulatory gaps in an attempt to provide recommendations for a new broadcasting policy and regulatory direction for the country.