A Bequest of Wings: Dialogical Teaching - Literature as a Mediational Tool
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Falconer, Marc Stuart
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This research report explores the unique nature of literature and its efficacy
as a dialogically mediating tool. In this study, drawing primarily on the theories of
Vygotsky and Bakhtin, the dialogical small-group teaching of nine A Level students
is considered, (with the teaching aimed to be within this group’s Zone of Proximal
Development) it was found axiomatic that there was a supporting framework of
schemes, tropes, narrative role taking, schemata theory and genre, among other
concepts. Qualitative analysis of the edited transcripts from eight consecutive
seminars substantiates these theoretical presumptions and leads to the conclusion that
literature, in this case the prescribed poems of Elizabeth Jennings, is an highly
efficacious, dialogically mediating, pedagogical tool.
Student Number : 0111318E -
M Ed research report -
School of Education -
Faculty of Humanities
Bakhtin, Dialogical Teaching, Literature, Mediation, Schemata Theory, Vygotsky, Zone of Proximal Development